Basic Laser Technique Laboratory

The goal of the practicum is to get the basic practical skills in laser physics and to learn to work independently on a given problem, to formulate the task and to present the results.

In academic year 2023/2024 the laboratory will be scheduled in Trojanova 13, Praha 2, CTU campus, lab Tn228, Tuesday 14:00, summer semester. The complete task schedule was specified after the first meeting and it is published in Czech version of this page only. In academic year 2023/2024 foreign student are in group "D" and "E" as listed there. The yellow color in the table is a confirmation of protocol acceptance.

The internal code of this course is 12ZPLT. Students are evaluated by graded assessment with value of 6 credits.

Old English versions of task instructions are in general valid even for current academic year, but topical details kindly consult with the assistant.

General laser safety precautions

  • Use appropriate protective glasses.
  • Open laser output shutter for necessary time only.
  • Never use the eye as a laser beam detector; use visualizers plate, a camera, or a pho­to­detector.
  • Always terminate the laser beam optical path, either by beam stop (black plate) or a photo­detector. The optical path should be straight, horizontal, and as short as possible.

Task list:

  1. Free-running and Q-switched Nd:YAG laser, laser amplifier and second harmonic generation
  2. Diode pumped Nd:YAG laser
  3. He-Ne laser glow discharge properties
  4. TEA CO2 laser parameters and marking application
  5. Spectral characteristics of optical components
  6. Nonlinear transmission of saturable absorbers
  7. The measurement of a transverse profile of laser beam by Knife Edge method
  8. Acousto-optical modulator with traveling and standing acoustic wave

Rules for academic year 2023/2024:

  1. One group – one protocol, no waste words, required results only.
  2. Protocol has to be sent electronically to email address in footer in 1 week after measurement with code 12ZPLT in subject line, i. e. before next measurement. No protocol – no access to lab.
  3. The preparation will be tested in beggining, unprepared student will be rejected (to the spare time slot).
  4. The clasification is individual based on protocols and overall activities in lab. The clasification record will be done by dr. Blažej.
  5. For classification discussion kindly save your own laboratory log (in electronic or paper form).
Josef Blažej - contact - blazej - phone: +420 778 531 895
Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering
Brehova 7, 115 19 Prague 1, Czech Republic