Where I am?

The view to Trojanova street buildingmailing address:
dr. J. Blazej
CTU in Prague
Dept. of Physical Electr.
Brehova 7
115 19 Prague 1,
Czech Republic
contact address:
room no. 311
or lab no. 313
Trojanova 13
Prague 2
blazej   fjfi.cvut.cz
how to reach me using public transport:
Prague metro, line B, Karlovo náměstí station and exit by an elevator.
map on server mapy.cz. Photo view is from the intersection of Václavská and Trojanova streets (elevator ground level).
+420 778 531 895
secretary phone: +420 778 533 160 or +420 951 552 273
WARNING: since February 2023 all phone contacts starting +420 72687xxxx and +420 22435xxxx (i.e. also 224358659) are out of service, permanetly.
Josef Blažej - contact - blazej   fjfi.cvut.cz - phone: +420 778 531 895
Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering
Brehova 7, 115 19 Prague 1, Czech Republic