Josef Blažej

current ID photo
Personal information Date of birth: July 9th, 1973
Place of birth: Liberec
Marital status: married
Nationality: Czech
Citizenship: Czech Republic
Professional Experience 2000 - Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering
Department of Physical Engineering
Position: Researcher
Education 1996 - 2000 CTU in Prague - FNSPE
PhD. course
Thesis: Methods for Laser Ranging and Optical Diagnostics with High Temporal and Spatial Resolution
1991 - 1996 CTU in Prague - FNSPE
Master course (Ing.)
Diploma thesis: Methods for Precision Laser Ranging
Leaving exams: Electrodynamics, Quantum Electronics, Laser Physics
1987 - 1991 secondary school "Gymnázium F.X.Šaldy" in Liberec
Specialisation: Mechanical Engineering
Awards recieved 1998 - Siemens Prize
1997 - Prize of Foundation "Nadání J., M. a Z. Hlávkových"
1996 - 1. place in scientific conference Poster '96
section: Natural Sciences
Languages English, Russian, Czech
Professional interests Single photon detection methods
Semiconductor photon counters with picosecond temporal resolution
Application of the time correlated photon counting in laser ranging and environmental sensing
Josef Blažej - contact - blazej - phone: +420 224 358 659
Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering
Brehova 7, 115 19 Prague 1, Czech Republic