Propose values of the devices at Fig. 1 so that the operation point of the transistor Q1 will be in active mode - the voltage between collector and emittor must be 5 V.
Figure 1: Scheme of the transistor amplifier
Implement this circuit and prove the correctness of your proposal by measurement. Propose minimal value of the coupling capacitor on the input for frequency of 1 kHz.
Using the curve tracer, measure current amplification of the used transistor at operation point that you have used (from Fig. 1). Determine voltage amplification of the circuit at Fig. 1 for the outputs A and B. Compare your calculations to the measurement. Find out the dynamical range of the amplifier.
Block the resistor R4 at Fig. 1 by capacitor of 100 microfarads (or more) and measure the amplification of the circuit for the outputs A and B again. (to block means to short-circuit the resistor for alternating current by parallel connection of the capacitor)
the convention for amplification of a circuit is, that amplification of an inverting circuit has minus sign.
dynamic range means the range of the output voltage, within which there is no significant distortion of the amplified signal.