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- celestial mechanics
- calculation of orbits, gravitational fields
- Fourier, Poisson series

- Delaunay's (1867) calculation of the orbit of the Moon took him
20 years (including physical effects like non-symmentry of the earth
and influence of the Sun); recalculation on a small computer (1980)
took 20 hours of CPU time; the check found only a few mistakes in
his hand calculations in some of the high order terms
- systems TRIGMAN (1970), CAMAL (1975)
- general theory of relativity
- calculations with various metrics
- systems CAMAL (1975), SHEEP (1977), general purpose systems
- quantum electro-dynamics
- high energy physics
- interaction of particles, Dirac matrices, Feynman diagrams,
calculation of integrals
- systems REDUCE (1968), SCHOONSHIP (1971)
Richard Liska