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Summation and Products


In Derive

For comparison with other CAS choose from: Axiom Macsyma Maple Mathematica Reduce

inputs outputs

    sum(m^2 x^m,m,1,n);
     n   2  m
        m  x

         2  2         2                     2   n
     x (n  x  - x (2 n  + 2 n - 1) + (n + 1) ) x      x (x + 1)
    ---------------------------------------------- - -----------
                              3                              3
                       (x - 1)                        (x - 1)
    sum(cos((2 m-1) pi/(2 n+1)),m,1,r)
     r        (2 m - 1)    
        COS  ------------- 
    m=1         2 n + 1    

             2 r     
      SIN  --------- 
            2 n + 1  
     2 SIN  --------- 
             2 n + 1
    product(#e^(sin(m x)),m,1,n)
     n   SIN (m x)

     COT (x) / 2 + 1 / (2 SIN (x)) - COS (x (n + 1/2)) / (2 SIN (x/2))

Richard Liska